Role: Chief Technology Officer and Lead Developer
Period: Nov 2019 - Present
Duration: 4 yrs 8 mos
Description: Led technical strategic planning, including roadmap development and end-to-end sprint management. Led the development and design of end-to-end, high quality software, complex technical prototypes and delivered the MVP for Cybrik AI, a cloud-based (Azure) enterprise platform with a React.js front end, a Python back end and data ingestion using Apache Airflow. Designed and implemented the document search functionalities using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques reducing the time for our customers to find the relevant information. ...
Chief Technology Officer and Lead Developer
Cybrik - Full-time
( 4 yrs 8 mos )
Role: Techstars Indianapolis
Period: Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Duration: 5 mos
Techstars Indianapolis
( 5 mos )
Role: Project Manager/Consultant
Period: Feb 2019 - Mar 2021
Duration: 2 yrs 1 mos
Description: Consulted and project-managed the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting cycle for three consecutive years for LivaNova Plc, a Nasdaq-listed medical device manufacturing company, with 9 production sites across various countries. Identified opportunities for improvement in GHG reporting following a gap analysis, review and health-check of previous reports. Prepared and presented findings to the LivaNova Board of Directors highlighting opportunities for improvement and optimization. Worked with external auditors and senior management to ensure timely delivery of an accurate and comprehensive GHG report to the LivaNova Board of Directors for the approval prior to submission to the UK Regulator and disclosure in the Annual Report to shareholders. ...
Project Manager/Consultant
LivaNova Plc - Contract
( 2 yrs 1 mos )
Role: Data Scientist
Period: Aug 2019 - Oct 2019
Duration: 2 mos
Description: Selected to join ONYX Insights on a fixed-term project to apply data mining techniques and statistical analysis to extract data from wind turbines. Analysed complex datasets using Natural Language Processing techniques. Applied Machine Learning techniques, transforming raw data into valuable insights. Created Graphical User Interface for data visualisation, creating a time savings for the final users of up to 90%. Strengthened proficiency in Python and ability to write standardised code. ...
Data Scientist
Onyx - Contract
( 2 mos )
Role: PhD in Wind Energy
Period: Oct 2015 - Aug 2019
Duration: 3 yrs 10 mos
Description: “Improved Yield from Wind Turbines through online anomaly detection and compensation” Identified new and innovative ways of extracting data from wind turbines to maximise energy production. Developed research proposing new ways of maximising energy production whilst reducing costs. Advanced project management and time management skills. Furthered research and technical knowledge as well as commercial awareness in the field of wind and renewable energy.
PhD in Wind Energy
University of Strathclyde
( 3 yrs 10 mos )
Role: Teaching Assistant
Period: Oct 2015 - Jul 2019
Duration: 3 yrs 9 mos
Description: Served as Teaching Assistant for the Graduate Programme in Wind, Solar and Hydro Energy. Assisted Lecturers in the delivery of the course; held tutorials and prepared teaching materials. Mentored undergraduate students.
Teaching Assistant
University of Strathclyde - Part-time
( 3 yrs 9 mos )
Role: Research Assistant
Period: Sep 2018 - Nov 2018
Duration: 2 mos
Description: Developed algorithm using MATLAB Simulink used for capital budgeting and estimation of the profitability of potential investments that optimises a Battery Storage System and maximises the Internal Rate of Return. Developed commercial awareness and strengthened technical knowledge of algorithm development. Offered a full-time position as a Research Engineer.
Research Assistant
ORE Catapult - Contract
( 2 mos )
Role: Research Assistant
Period: Apr 2018 - Jul 2018
Duration: 3 mos
Description: Designed MATLAB algorithm to characterise the Wind Turbine Power Curves in an innovative way using SCADA data, substantially reducing the time required for data cleaning and achieving improved efficiency. Consolidated technical knowledge of algorithm development and strengthened project management skills
Research Assistant
SSE Renewables - Contract
( 3 mos )
Role: Research Internship
Period: Jan 2014 - Jun 2014
Duration: 5 mos
Description: Awarded a scholarship sponsored by the EU throughout the duration of the research internship which was part of my Master’s Degree dissertation. Contributed to the study of the separation of impurities in melted silicon using electromagnetic induction Developed and acquired skills in conducting simulations using Finite Element Methods
Research Internship
University of Greenwich
( 5 mos )